Sunday, December 31, 2017

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The excuse is that when they receive payment in cryptos, they are able to cut down costs involved with transactions of this nature. The problem is that even if they are transparent with how they conduct business here, it does not exclude them from being a scam. At least we like it because they are honest with what they do. This is the most important question to ask yourself. Note: we are recommending the best crypto investment companies here. How do they make profits? But on the other hand, Double Bitcoin website claims that their business is legitimate, transparent and honest in all dealings.

The bottom line is that this table does not answer our question. Again, we do not know the answer to this question. Now, instead of rejecting or returning this money to the owner because it is not in their will to make a denotation, these scammers simply take the money and pretend that it was a donation. If no new registrant is coming in, that would mean no revenue. How exactly is a website claiming to double Bitcoin in a few hours legitimate? Now, the million dollar question is, are these transactions verifiable? There is no exception. No phone contact was provided, so it is impossible to get to speak with them on voice call.

The company actually admits that all revenue is generated by new members. If you actually deposit Bitcoin and it is doubled in the said number of hours, you will be motivated to place a bigger deposit eventually. Double Bitcoin explains that they an investment company that does not require contracts or pledge with property. It is not a sustainable business model. So the reason why this website is only accepting Bitcoin is because any transaction that is done in Bitcoin can never be reversed. You will be scammed. It is never what it seems to be, take note.

What is their excuse? Instead, one participant asks for help and another one steps in. What we mean here is that we do not know who owns this website. On the other hand, if they are legitimate, they will give an answer than makes sense logically. Is there any tangible proof of payment? The design of this website is meant to push visitors into making deposits as soon as they arrive on the website. In other words, Double Bitcoin is not running any business to make money for their members. What stops them from stealing from you and going Scott free? How are they going to achieve this mission? What proof do we have that these transactions are real and that they were carried out by real people?

The best way to achieve their bottom line is to accept payment anonymously through cryptos. However, what we saw was nothing less than shocking. If they are scammers, they will not give a concrete answer that can convince everyone. Double Bitcoin is a scam, period. But the trick is always obvious. It is at this point that Double Bitcoin website will disappear with your money. Every legitimate business which uses Bitcoin as a mode of payment will always include other methods of payments too.

In this review, we will prove to you that Double Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme and a scam whose intention is to collect member deposits and eventually disappear. You see, pyramid schemes are designed to fail. We are a little bit skeptic when it comes to websites that ask for money yet are hesitant to provide their phone contacts. There is sufficient evidence that this website is designed to steal your Bitcoin as soon as you deposit it. What kind of help are people asking for here? You see, Double Bitcoin wants to win your trust first of all. In every part of the website, there is at least one input form where visitors are required to provide their Bitcoin address. We find this very suspicious given that this website has ignored the most important matters only to put emphasis on asking visitors to provide their Bitcoin address. There are no lenders or debtors.

There is no Bitcoin trading or mining. This honestly is good. In our opinion, this is not a valid explanation for using Bitcoin only as a mode of payment. Double Bitcoin is relying on new members to fund those who have joined already. They know the greedy nature of human beings. We checked out their FAQ page to learn about this website and their products. You cannot even think of sending money to an anonymous person on the internet. We know nothing about their employees either. But if we analyze this website carefully, we see that it is a pyramid scheme which was designed to pay the owner and not the people who join them.

It is therefore an invalid proof of transactions. Another red flag is that Double Bitcoin website is only accepting payment in Bitcoin. Furthermore, the risk is even more apparent when you come to think of the fact that this is a website run by anonymous people. In the case of Double Bitcoin, we can confidently say that they are anonymous, and that kills confidence. This minimum is clearly meant to attract all kinds of investors because this is quite affordable. Double Bitcoin is just a website and not a company. Well, all people who join this system are in need of monetary help.

Given that this website is ran by criminal entities, it is in their best interest to remain anonymous and keep committing crime. We are not making allegations because we have facts to prove what we are saying in this post. If not, they will continue to exist but fail to process your withdrawal requests.

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