Thursday, December 28, 2017

Best binary options brokers 2015 blacklist

This list is the most respected one among European traders and we strongly recommend you to have a look at it before you deposit with any broker as most of the mentioned brands also target retail investors in the United Kingdom or in the United States. We highly recommend you to avoid doing business with any of these brokers. There exist multiple reliable alternatives in France. Interactive Option, Anyoption, Topoption and IG Binary for further information. Even though the AMF never refers to these trading brands as scams, most of these brokers are not regulated and may be registered in tax havens, which makes it very difficult for European authorities to sue them and ask for compensations on behalf of European investors. The French regulator started to delete the names of the brands that ceased their operations following the AMF warnings and focus on the ones that generate the greatest number of complaints from French traders. The French regulator also reiterates that trading in binary options implies high risks and that checking the regulatory status of a binary options provider is very important. The AMF recently shortened its binary options broker black list in order to improve its readability and efficiency. Even though some of these brokers may simply be in the process of receiving their authorization from the AMF, most of them are real scams.

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